I thought this when previous big storms caused mass damage in forests - but it must be a not insignificant financial risk to clubs, and it seems pertinent to float it now:
- Clubs spend a lot of money on mapping areas
- Clubs may have invested a lot of money in preparing for a large event on area
- A storm can massively screw up a map
- A storm can result in dangerous "hung up" trees that close an area
- A storm can cancel an event
Most clubs are not particularly "cash rich" so a big storm could have significant impact on a club. A single incident in a single forrest might be unpleasant but survivable, a major storm could take out multiple maps. For a major event moving event with a few months notice might not be viable, which impacts not just the clubs but the competitors and ultimately the perception and viability of the sport. There's still maps that have not been updated since Arwen.
It should be possible to insure against an event directly being cancelled because of bad weather on the day, although I don't think BOF insurance covers this and I don't know of any clubs which do this so its probably prohibitively expensive. I imagine that its too obscure to insure a map against storm damage, and even if you had event weather insurance it probably wouldn't cover the costs of an emergency remap before the event.
But could/should clubs, associations and our NGB have some form of collective fund or if you like "self insurance scheme" where costs can be collectively covered by the sport rather than all falling on the shoulders of the club which is unlucky enough to fall in the path of the next big storm?
Or do most clubs have enough mapped areas and enough reserve cash that this is not something they worry themselves about?
Éowyn - a damage fund?
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